This site (the subdomain riev/imigrantes) is a part of the top-level domain, where all records within the space are maintained by STI - UFPB. All interested parties can check the content of this site in the following languages ,
. You are currently visiting our site in Brazilian Portuguese. The information described below pertains to the execution of this site as an activity of the RIEV/Imigrantes Project.
General Coordination:
Coordination of the Interdisciplinary Network of Studies on Violence (RIEV) - and Coordinator of the Umbrella Project "Deciphering Memories of Human Rights Violations in audiovisual, cinematographic, and open sites archives": Dr. Edna Gusmão de Góes Brennand (
Dr. Roberto Vilmar Satur ( ) - Responsible researcher in this sub-project: Prevention of intercultural violence/xenophobia: digital technologies assisting migrants and immigrants.
Dr. Guilherme Ataíde Dias ( - Collaborating researcher.
Field Research:
Researcher: Dr. Roberto Vilmar Satur (
Research interns: Camila Chaves and Alice Torreão
Collaborating students: Group (2022.1) of Interculturality II and Mediations, Negotiations and Foreign Trade I from the Course of Foreign Languages Applied to International Negotiations (LEA-NI) of UFPB
Execution and Technical Operationalization:
Responsible for content/text production: Dr. Roberto Vilmar Satur (
Responsible for site scope definition and management: Dr. Ismênia Mangueira Soares Medeiros (
Responsible for site scope definition and management: Dr. Álvaro Cavalcanti de Almeida Filho (
Responsible for website development: DevOps Cristielson Silva de Morais
Responsible for translation into French, Spanish, and English: Internacionalize Jr (
FAPESQ PB, with resources for equipment and costs; UFPB (researchers, research scholarship holders, and involved students); CNPq (research scholarship holder)
Other partners:
MINNI-Mundo Research Group (Intercultural Mediations, Negotiators, and International Negotiations in the World) -
MINI-World Observatory (
LEA-NI Course – UFPB (
Navigation environment of this site:
This site uses the Django framework to enhance its operation. We strive to use content that avoids display issues, such as missing or incorrectly placed information, across different browsing environments. The recommended screen resolution for comfortable viewing is 1280x720 pixels or higher. Adequate viewing has been confirmed in the following environments:
- PC site
- Chrome (latest version recommended)
- Safari (latest version recommended)
- Android 4.0 or higher (for Chrome on Android)
- iOS 9 or higher (for Chrome or Safari on iOS)
About copyrights:
The copyrights of the content on this site belong to RIEV. You are free to use the information available on our site, but we request that you acknowledge the source: © RIEV Project/Immigrants. The images used on our site were generated by generative artificial intelligence using Microsoft Bing technology. Illustrations of thematic icons used on this site are part of an open property image library in the Django framework.
If you have any questions about the information contained on this site, critiques, or suggestions, please feel free to contact us via email: