If you require assistance or legal guidance, don't hesitate to reach out to your host entity.
They can direct you to sources of free support. It's worth noting that in Brazil, a public defender system exists to address the legal needs of individuals who lack the financial means to hire a private lawyer.
Still, since the service is for the low-income population, the demand is great and it can take a long time
Listed below are the locations where you can find public defender services:
If you're unable to access services from a public defender and are financially unable to hire a private lawyer, there's an alternative solution. Consider reaching out to legal clinics or offices associated with universities that offer law degree programs. These institutions often provide legal assistance to the community free of charge.
Universities that have a law degree in João Pessoa (may be outdated): UFPB, FPB, Uniesp, Uninassau, Unipê, Unopar, Faculdade Três Marias, and others.
Visit or ask someone to call these educational institutions, asking how their law office works. There, you can ask for legal advice about your rights or some clarification.